Ligita (b. 1973 Riga, Latvia) grew up loving gardening and creativity but it was only after an extended period of working in Information Technology as a software developer that she was finally able to focus on studying and pursuing art. Having attended many workshops and evening art classes along the years and having also spent one year studying art glass, in 2012 she entered Repin-institute where she studied classical drawing, painting, composition and anatomy under supervision of teachers from Repin Academy in St. Petersburgh. This year of concentrated work helped her to enter Art Academy of Latvia where she studied at the Painting Department graduating with BFA in 2021.

During her study years at the Art Academy of Latvia Ligita concentrated first and foremost on portraits, figure painting and model drawing from life and it was only during the summer breaks that she ventured out into surrounding nature to do plein air sketches. Gradually landscape painting began to interest her more and she found herself looking for new ways of expressing nature's elements. It was then that Ligita began painting reflections of clouds and tree branches in water and eventually took a series of underwater photographs in the very clear waters of lake Iso-Valkee. These photographs served both as an inspiration as well as visual references for the series of paintings for her graduation work from the Art Academy of Latvia.

In addition to oil painting, Ligita also practices egg tempera painting and botanical drawing which for her is an ongoing practice of journaling and recording plants in season.

During her free time Ligita loves to garden and grow her own flowers and produce both for painting purposes and just for the sheer joy of being in contact with nature. She also enjoyes practicing yoga and loves to go stand up paddling whenever possible.

Ligita is represented by EspooArtotheque.

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